Quo Vadis - Modernes C++

FERTIG: Ich habe um die 100 Artikel zu C++20 geschrieben. In diesem Artikel möchte ich eine Frage stellen: Welches große Thema soll ich als Nächstes angreifen? Dazu habe ich eine kleine Umfrage vorbereitet.

Hier geht es direkt zu Heise Developer: .

Gelesen: 4283

Modernes C++ wird International

Ich freue mich darauf anzukündigen, dass ich nun deutsche und englische Online-Seminare anbiete.

Gelesen: 3912

Meine Worte zu Corona

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay


Ich möchte eine paar persönliche Worte angesichts der außergewöhnlichen Umstände loswerden.

Gelesen: 4378

"Concurrency with Modern C++" besitzt ein neues Kapitel

I'm happy to announce. I added a new chapter to lock-based concurrent data structures to my book "Concurrency with Modern C++". Now, you get 550 pages to concurrency in C++ and more than 140 runnable examples. Here is more info: https://leanpub.com/concurrencywithmodernc       Weiterlesen...
Gelesen: 4970

I'm Proud to Present: The C++ Standard Library including C++14 & C++17

Based on my book "The C++ Standard Library" educative.io created an interactive course. You can have it now at a discount.

"C++ Standard Library including C++14 & C++17" is a interactive journey through the current C++ standard Library.

Gelesen: 23689

CppCon 2018

Dieses Jahr war ich das erste Mal auf der CppCon in Bellevue (Seattle). Hier sind meine Eindrücke.

Hier geht es direkt zum Artikel auf Heise Developer:  .

Gelesen: 10483

For Free: Four Vouchers to Win

Bartłomiej Filipek, author of the well-known C++-blog: Bartek's coding blog gave me four vouchers for his book C++ in Detail.

Gelesen: 10584

Modern C++ Concurrency: Get the most out of any machine

Based on my book "Concurrency with Modern C++" educative.io created an interactive course. You can have it now at a discount of 38 %.

"Modern C++ Concurrency" is a interactive journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++.

  • C++11 and C++14 have the basic building blocks for creating concurrent or parallel programs.
  • With C++17 we got the parallel algorithms of the Standard Template Library (STL). That means, most of the algorithms of the STL can be executed sequential, parallel, or vectorized.
  • The concurrency story in C++ goes on. With C++20 we can hope for extended futures, coroutines, transactions, and more.
Gelesen: 11762

I'm Proud to Present: Modern C++ Concurrency is available as interactive course

Based on my book "Concurrency with Modern C++" educative.io created an interactive course. You can have it now at a discount of 38 %.

"Modern C++ Concurrency" is a interactive journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++.

  • C++11 and C++14 have the basic building blocks for creating concurrent or parallel programs.
  • With C++17 we got the parallel algorithms of the Standard Template Library (STL). That means, most of the algorithms of the STL can be executed sequential, parallel, or vectorized.
  • The concurrency story in C++ goes on. With C++20 we can hope for extended futures, coroutines, transactions, and more.
Gelesen: 11453


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