Ivan Cukic is currently writing a book on "Functional Programming in C++" for Manning Publication. Currently, 4 out of 14 chapters are published under the Manning Early Access Program. A new chapter is planned to appear each month. Here are the details of his book.
Why did it mention Ivan's book?
For two reasons. First, I read the first 4 chapters and have to say, the book is a must-read for every programmer interested in C++ and functional programming. Second, I'm glad to have 6 vouchers to give away. They will be valid until May, the 17th 2017.
What have you to do to win a voucher? You have to answer a question. Why is functional programming becoming more and more important in C++? The better your answer, the more likely will it be that you win a voucher. Ivan and I will decide, which are the best answers. If we both are not sure, we throw a dice. I will write a post about the best answers. If you don't like that I mention your name, please let me know. What are the rules? Send your answer in English until Sunday, (including) the 19th of February to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! including your name if you like it. Your answer should be in English. Don't be shy. If you like, I will polish your German words. From Thursday until Sunday I will meet Ivan at the C++ Russia Conference in Moscow. So I think you know, what Ivan will talk about.
Here are the facts once more:
Challenge: Why is functional programming becoming more and more important in C++?
Answer to: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! until Sunday (including), the 19th of February.
Please share this post. We are curious about your answers.
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