The C++ Standard Library: The Second Edition includes C++17

Just updated: The C++ Standard Library: What every professional C++ programmer should know about the C++ standard library.


You can get an update to my new book: "The C++ Standard Library."

You can directly download the pdf-book here: Leanpub/cpplibrary

The minimum price is €16.




My book has 250 pages and presents you the bare minimum that you should know about the current C++ library.

Here is the TOC.

  • Introduction
  • The Standard Library
  • Utilities
  • Interface of All Containers
  • Sequential Containers
  • Associative Containers
  • Adaptors for Containers
  • Iterators
  • Callable Units
  • Algorithms
  • Numeric
  • Strings
  • String Views
  • Regular Expressions
  • Input and Output Streams
  • The Filesystem Library
  • Multithreading

If there are technical issues please send me a direct E-Mail including your issue. I promise I will solve the issue. Self publishing is totally thrilling to me. My former books were published by Addison-Wesley/Pearson, O'Reilly, and dpunkt.


Modernes C++,






Thanks a lot to my Patreon Supporters: Eric Pederson and Paul Baxter.


Get your e-book at leanpub:

The C++ Standard Library


Concurrency With Modern C++


Get Both as one Bundle

cover   ConcurrencyCoverFrame   bundle
With C++11, C++14, and C++17 we got a lot of new C++ libraries. In addition, the existing ones are greatly improved. The key idea of my book is to give you the necessary information to the current C++ libraries in about 200 pages.  

C++11 is the first C++ standard that deals with concurrency. The story goes on with C++17 and will continue with C++20.

I'll give you a detailed insight in the current and the upcoming concurrency in C++. This insight includes the theory and a lot of practice with more the 100 source files.


Get my books "The C++ Standard Library" (including C++17) and "Concurrency with Modern C++" in a bundle.

In sum, you get more than 550 pages full of modern C++ and more than 100 source files presenting concurrency in practice.



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